What are 4D Number Plates?

Acrylic blocks are usually laser-cut to produce a clean and lasting finish. They are cut 3mm thick but can also come in other thicknesses depending on preference. Using strong adhesives, they are stuck on DVLA Standard Number Plates to produce what-is-known-as 4D Number Plates.
Why are they called 4D Number Plates?
So if 4D aims to create a 3D look, why are they called 4D Number Plates and not 3D Number Plates?
3D Number Plates already exist – they’ve been on the market longer than 4D Number Plates have. 3D Number Plates are like Standard Number Plates, except the letters are printed on with a shade of grey to create the illusion of 3D.
But 4D Number Plates aim to create a real 3D effect, not just an illusion. Their letters literally stick out.
To avoid the confusion between the two, 4D was slowly established as the industry standard name. Although some suppliers are sceptical of the naming convention (due to its marketability) and try to pursue more fitting names such as True 3D.
But here is where it gets interesting.
Shortly after the rise of 3D Number Plates, 3D Gel Plates started to appear. What are 3D Gel Plates? 3D Gel Plates are like Standard Number Plates, except the letters are made out of gel.
3D Gel Plates were the first to offer a true 3D look. So why were they called 3D Gel Plates and not 4D Number Plates? Or better yet, why aren’t 4D Number Plates called 3D Acrylic Plates? The answer isn’t clear yet.
Are 4D Number Plates legal?
While it hasn’t directly been mentioned by the DVLA, there aren’t any reasons why 4D Number Plates should be illegal (according to DVLA guidelines and British standards).
As long as the supplier is DVLA registered, follows DVLA distribution procedures and Number Plate production guidelines, 4D Number Plates are 100% Road Legal and MOT friendly.
For more information on this, visit our article on are 4D number plates legal.
Why buy 4D Number Plates?
So why should you buy a set of 4D Number Plates? Like most things in life, it is all about what you want.
A set of 4D Number Plates is stylish and eye-catching. It is an accessory that enables you that extra bit of customisation freedom to create that extra bit of flair. For some, it is the cherry on top. For others, it is the much-needed upgrade.